Club News Fall 2023

Apologies for the tardiness on this post, it was a busy end of the fall. Here’s your club news for Fall 2023.

Fish Rescue

Those who have followed the club for a longer time will remember we were asked to participate in a fish rescue a number of years ago. We recently decided we have the equipment and volunteers to keep it going as there’s a yearly need. Fish are able to make their way into the agriculture ditches that divert water from place such as Boulder Creek. Usually these ditches are closed off in the winter as the need for the water is not there. Unfortunately this traps fish from time to time. We were able to address the fish that get caught behind the gates in Boulder Central Park and return them to Boulder Creek. An unfortunately (but maybe fortunate, we always need the water) snowstorm right before the rescue hampered our rescue efforts, putting more water into the ditch and leaving a layer of ice. We were able to rescue two very healthy browns, but the rest got too difficult.

While it wasn’t the success we had during the first fish rescue, it was a success in letting the community know we’re ready and willing to help out with fish rescues like this in the future. We want to give a special thanks to Boulder Parks and Colorado Parks and Wildlife who worked to put everything in place to make this happen. And an extra special thank you to those who got the word out and the volunteers who came out to help. Over 50% of those who helped were first time volunteers with our group. Thank you for braving the cold and hopefully seeing this author fall in and christen the inside of his brand new waders with some extra cold Boulder Creek water made the event a little more worth it.

Be sure to cycle through the images above from the event.

A fisherman’s Paradise

Our caretaker recently found his copy of a very well written history of the Boulder Fish and Game Club called “A Fisherman’s Paradise”. The history was written by a wonderful member of our community by the name of Ella Travis. You can find more of her work and contributions at the Carnegie Library here in town. The book goes over the history of our club. From it’s beginnings as an arm of the chamber of commerce, to the origins of the fish farm and history of the property, to the many activities and events put on by the club. Did you know the Boulder Gun Club used to be part of the Fish and Game Club? In addition, there’s great information about early conservation efforts done by the club including working with local mines to utilize settling ponds for their mine tailings rather than allowing them to flow directly into creeks. We’re hoping to get a digital copy of the book available on the website soon.


Everything at the farm has been business as usual. The new round of fish have taken well to the runs at the farm and we’re seeing minimal losses. We’re hoping for a great round of fish for the derby in May and to stock throughout the summer.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for checking in with the club. We’re always looking for new volunteers, so if you’re interested in helping out, click the HELP OUT button in the upper right corner which will tell you how.