Club News Late Spring/ Early Summer 2019

Hope everyone has had a great spring thus far and made some time to get out fishing!

The Kid’s Ponds on the morning of the stocking before the derby.

The Kid’s Ponds on the morning of the stocking before the derby.

Kids Derby

We hope everyone had a great time at the kid’s fishing derby. We had great turnout and lots of kids getting into fish. As a side note, we also saw some great fish handling techniques, a big part of learning the art of angling. The winning trout came in at 20.5 inches. Again a big thank you to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, our sponsors (check out the sponsor page for the full list), and the community that comes out, supports the derby, and has fun.

Farm Update

Everything is business as usual at the farm. The fish are happy and healthy and with the stocking for the kid’s derby, there’s plenty of room for the remaining fish. The next big event is the biology test in July and should we pass, the next batch of fish will be delivered after that.

Kid’s Ponds

Despite the cold winter, a good population of the fish in the ponds made it through the winter. These fish along with the fish stocked for the kid’s derby should make for a great summer of fishing. The abundant snow pack this year should keep cold, fresh water flowing into the ponds keeping the fish happy. Stocking will happen intermittently through the summer as well.

Helping Out

As a reminder, we can always use help down at the farm. Check out the Help Out tab in the upper left for more information.