Club News Late Winter 2019

The kids’ ponds fully frozen over (early March).

The kids’ ponds fully frozen over (early March).

Hope Everyone has had a great winter! Here’s the club news for the past couple of months.

Fish Farm

It’s been business as usual at the fish farm. Nothing of note to report other than the fish are happy and healthy and we’ll have some incredible fish ready for the derby this May.

Kids Derby

The kids fishing derby will once again be held the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Look for the official announcement here on the site in the next few weeks.

Kids Ponds

With a good, cold winter. The kids ponds both froze over almost completely. What this means for the fish in there at the moment is unclear at this point. However, as a reminder, it’s not a great idea to venture out onto the ice.

Extra Help

We’ve been fortunate enough to have some extra help from some local school groups this winter. Both the Boulder High Fly Fishing Club and a group of fifth graders from Whittier Elementary helped out at the farm this winter. We’re very grateful for the extra help and as a reminder are always looking for more help down at the farm. Check out the “Help Out” button at the top for more info.

Owl visitor

Finally, we did have one more visitor at the farm this winter. A Great Horned Owl graced us with it’s presence for a week or so. We believe it was having a lot of success hunting for food in the area (don’t worry, it wasn’t bothering the fish).

The owl kept watch over our progress during a Saturday run cleaning.

The owl kept watch over our progress during a Saturday run cleaning.