2018 Kids Derby

Saturday, May 26th

7 a.m. - 10 a.m.

Evert Pierson Kids Ponds

Open to all kids 12 and under



Once again we will be having the 2018 kids derby in conjunction with the Boulder Creek Festival on Saturday, May 26th. The derby kicks off at 7 a.m. and goes until 10 a.m. Rods (and tackle) will be provided by Colorado Parks and Wildlife and prizes will be awarded every hour and also at the end of the derby. The derby and ponds are open to all kids 12 and under.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife and The Boulder Fish and Game Club will be stocking the ponds especially for the derby, so their will be plenty of fish to catch. In addition, there will be club members and volunteers there to help and give helpful tips. If you have any questions please use the contact us tab at the bottom. 

Club News Winter 2018



Hope everyone has been having a very productive winter and are getting ready for spring!

Business as Usual

Nothing big to report regarding the farm or club, things have been business as usual. The fish and handling the mild winter fine and will be ready for stocking this summer.

Kids Derby Planning

The kids derby will be happening again this year as part of the memorial day weekend Boulder Creek Festival. We're currently planning everything out and starting to reach out to local companies for donations for the prizes. We'll also being doing a cleanup around the pond a few weeks prior to the event. If you have an interest in contributing to either, please let us know through the "Help Out" button at the top of the page.

Numbers still increasing

The board has been incredibly pleased with the ever increasing numbers in volunteers helping out. We wanted to give a shout out to our new members and those who help out with the biweekly run cleanings.



Club New Late Fall 2017

Older photo of the Fish and Game Club Farm. More about this below.

Older photo of the Fish and Game Club Farm. More about this below.

Farm Update

The improvements to the farm are definitely making things go smoother for feeding and cleanups. Unfortunately, the concrete runs are starting to show age and will need some work this coming summer. The fish seem to be happy and healthy with their beautiful late fall colors coming out.


Stocking the kids ponds have ended for the season. Next stocking will be late April, early May in anticipation of the 2018 Kids Derby. Visits to the kids ponds suggest that there's still plenty of fish to be caught while the water is open. We'd also like to thank CPW for helping by stocking about 1000 smaller trout for the kids derby (as well as their help supplying the rods during).

Off Season Activities

While tailwater like South Boulder Creek keeps the ability to catch fish year-round here in Boulder, most take the season off. There's plenty of non-fishing activities going on at the local shops. Keep an eye on the local shops social media (especially Facebook) pages for more info on these events such as fly tying classes. The local shops that help support the club can be found on our supporters page.

Fund Raising Activities

Repairs to the fish farm and the age of our equipment are leading up to the need for additional fundraising activities for the club. The best part of this is that these tend to be fun and more exciting than the day to day duties. If you have any ideas or wish to contribute, please send us an email through the contact us page. We're looking to do some events over the winter such as brewery nights or fly tying classes. Additionally, we're looking into getting hats and shirts printed and available on this site. Finally, we hope to have the donation link ready to go by mid to end of this coming winter.

New, Old photos and Videos

Longtime club (and board) member Dick Ross was able to find some older photos of the high lakes, the Fish and Game Club property, and the kids fishing derby from what looks like the late 70s or early 80s. Even more exciting, there's footage of high lake stocking from the 1950's. The footage shows the club stocking the high lakes using horses and what seems to be surplus jeeps. We're very excited about this and hope to get this media up on the site shortly. Some of the photos have already been added to the historical section of the site and below is a small gallery of others.


Click on the photo to cycle forward.

Club News (Late) Summer 2017

Sorry for the delay, a certain site maintainer has been recovering all summer from surgery...

Kids Derby

The kids derby went off great as usual! The winning fish was one of our 20"+ holdovers from the farm. As always, we couldn't have made this happen without the support of our supporters. Make sure to check them out on our supporters page and if you're interested in becoming a support, drop us an email.

Fish Farm

966 Arapahoe has been given a fresh coat of paint, some new pavers on the patio and a lot of vegetation mitigation. It's looking great, be sure to swing by and take a look. Thank you to Club president Paul Kuehnel and caretaker Michael Thompson for heading this up. In addition, thank you to club members who were able to help out.

The Caretaker Residence looking great!

The Caretaker Residence looking great!

Fish Report

The fish are doing great this summer. Between the kids derby and monthly summer stockings, we're left with 100 large holdovers for next year's derby. In late July, we received our next shipment of 2000 fingerlings from Colorado Parks and Wildlife. These fish are getting bigger everyday and should be a great catch at the kids ponds come next summer.

High lake stocking

Traditionally, the Boulder Fish and Game Club has had a chance to help with the stocking of the lakes in the Indian Peaks Wilderness. Due to scheduling conflicts for the past couple of years, we have not been able to do so. Sadly, this year will be no exception, but with great news that stockings will be on hold for a while to make room for pure strain Greenback Cutthroat Trout!

New Members

A recent influx of new members has helped the club a lot. We've had extra help with cleaning and stocking runs and it's helped the club tremendously. Thank you to those new members and we're glad to have you aboard. If you wish to help out with us, drop us an email on the contact page.

Member Fishing reports

In the spirit of what the club was founded to do; promote sport in Boulder County. We figured we would add a quick blurb about our experiences. This is by far not a traditional fishing report and we suggest checking the reports on the websites of our local fly shops which can be found on our supporters page. While trips to the south, north, and west are fun, most of our club members opt to fish local waters. This season, a longer run-off meant more fishing in the Indian Peaks Wilderness where it seems each high lake seems to hold healthy, less pressured fish. We highly recommend checking these lakes out which can run from a day trip to overnight camping.

Club News Winter 2016/2017

These old milk jugs were used to hold fish for the high lake stocking.

These old milk jugs were used to hold fish for the high lake stocking.

Fish Farm

Cleaning and maintaining of the fish farm has continued as business as usual. Nothing of note to report as the fish seem happy and healthy. The repairs and improvements in the fall have helped a great deal as well. Michael Thompson, the care taker of the farm, continues to do an excellent job.



No stocking happens during the winter months due to the Kids Ponds being completely iced over. It will resume in April and leading up the kids derby in May. Anglers continue to post pictures on social media of our Cuttbows being caught in Boulder Creek from the stocking in 2015.


Directors Meeting

The directors meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 14th at 6pm in the Flagstaff room at Boulder Public Library. Again all are welcome to attend.


Interested in donating to the kids derby?

We're always looking for donations for prizes for the kids derby in May. If you're interested in donating, please get in contact with us through the form in the about us tab.

Club News Fall 2016

Fish Farm

Raising the fish has been business as usual. The fish we received from Colorado Parks and Wildlife have been doing great thanks to the hard work of our caretaker, Michael Thompson. One of the sheds on the property needed to be torn down and has been. In the process, the roof of the other shed is being replaced and the overhang over the runs is being taken out as well. The farm will look a lot more like it did in the 90s.


Stocking has gone great over the summer. We stocked the kids ponds once a month from May to September. The fish seem to be doing great in the kids ponds.

High Lake Stocking

Sadly, a mix-up in the location of the fish meant we did not get a chance to stock the high lakes this year. In the coming year we plan to reach out to a few local conservation groups to assist them in high lake stocking.

Board of Directors Meeting: November 15th

The board of directors meeting will be held at 6pm on November 15th at the Boulder Public Library in the Flagstaff room. All are welcome to attend.